CGPSC Police SI Admit Card 2024, PET/PST Exam Date, Selection Process Details

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Harshit Chahal

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The Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) will soon release the admit card for the recruitment of Subedar, Sub Inspector (SI), and Platoon Commander posts. This recruitment drive aims to fill 341 vacancies across various posts. The selection process involves a series of stages including the Physical Measurement Test (PMT), Preliminary Examination, Main Written Examination, Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and an Interview.

Candidates who successfully applied for the recruitment will be able to download their CG Police SI Admit Card from the official CGPSC website The admit card is essential to appear for each stage of the examination. Below, detailed information about the recruitment process, paper pattern, and steps to download the admit card is provided.

CG Police SI Admit Card 2024

cgpsc si admit card

Organisation Name Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC)
Vacancies Name Subedar, Sub Inspector (SI), Platoon Commander
Total Vacancies 341
Admit Card Release Date To be Released
Physical Test Date To be Announced
Official Website

The application process for the CG Police SI Recruitment began earlier this year. Thousands of candidates applied for the recruitment to secure a career in the Chhattisgarh Police Department. The schedule for the Physical Measurement Test (PMT) and subsequent examinations will be announced shortly. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website to stay updated on the release of the admit card and examination dates.

Selection Process

The selection process for CG Police Subedar, SI, and Platoon Commander posts consists of five stages. Below is a detailed explanation presented in a table format:

Stage Details
1. Physical Measurement Test (PMT) Candidates’ physical standards (height, chest, etc.) are measured to ensure eligibility.
2. Preliminary Examination An OMR-based objective test with 100 questions and 300 marks on General Knowledge.
3. Main Examination Written exam with multiple sections: Language Proficiency, GK, Aptitude, and Subject Papers.
4. Physical Efficiency Test (PET) Physical events to test endurance and fitness: races, jumps, and shot put.
5. Interview Carries 100 marks to assess personality, communication, and suitability for the role.

The final merit list will be prepared based on performance in all the stages mentioned above.

Physical Efficiency Test (PET) Events

The PET measures candidatesโ€™ physical abilities through various events, as shown below:

Event Details
100-meter race Test of speed
1500-meter race Endurance test
Long jump Strength and agility
High jump Athletic ability
Shot put Upper body strength test

Candidates must qualify in all events to proceed further.

Paper Pattern and Exam Scheme

The recruitment process includes two written examinations: Preliminary and Main. Below is the detailed paper pattern:

Preliminary Examination

Exam Type Objective (OMR-based)
Questions 100
Marks 300
Subjects General Knowledge (India & CG)

The preliminary exam serves as a screening test.

Main Examination

Sections Subjects
Language Proficiency Hindi and English papers
General Knowledge India and Chhattisgarh
Aptitude Test Logical reasoning and quantitative skills
Subject-Specific Papers Role-specific topics (SI, Subedar, PC)

The main examination assesses candidates’ overall proficiency and role-based expertise.

How to Download CG Police SI Admit Card

Follow these steps to download your admit card from the official website:

  1. Visit the official website of CGPSC at
  2. On the homepage, navigate to the “Admit Card” section.
  3. Find the link for CG Police SI, Subedar, and Platoon Commander Admit Card.
  4. Click on the link and enter your login credentials such as Registration Number and Password/Date of Birth.
  5. Verify the details entered and click on Submit.
  6. Your admit card will appear on the screen.
  7. Download the admit card and take a clear printout.

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